

The Amazon Rainforest is home to some of the world’s most amazing species of animals, all of which attract not only tourists, but scientists from all over the world who wish to see them in real life. There is no place on earth quite like the Amazon, and many of its animals and insects, plants, and even tribes remain largely unknown to this day. If you’ve ever dreamed of going to the Amazon Rainforest, then choose Valencia Travel Cusco and you’ll have the chance to spot one of the following creatures on your journey.

Black Caiman

As the largest member of the alligator family in the world, the black caiman can be found in the Amazon River basin and can reach a whopping 5 meters in length. The black caiman gets its name from its ultra-dark color which helps protect it at night from other predators. Personally, I’ve been up close and personal with one of these bad boys, and it’s everything from beautiful to scary, intimidating, and awe-inspiring to see how they swim so effortlessly (and silently!) through the Amazon River.


Much more than a goldfish with attitude, the seemingly placid-looking piranha can grow up to 50cm in length and has one of the strongest bites found in bony fish. Known for their razor-sharp teeth that can kill and strip other fish and animals in record-speed time, a school of these fish in the Amazon basin is one of the last things you want to come across!


A peculiarly odd animal that resembles a mix between a pig and an ant eater, the Tapir is a giant animal that stands about 1 meter high, and around 2 meters long. They can be found near the Amazon River and other bodies of water late at night, as they are what is known as nocturnal foragers. They prefer to feed on leaves, plants, and various fruit, and while they may seem relaxed and docile, they do possess powerful jaws and are known to have an extremely powerful bite.

Spider Monkey

Known for their very, very long arms and dark black skin and fur, these monkeys can be found swinging between the trees in the Amazon jungle. Regarded by scientists as the most intelligent of all New World Monkeys, they live in packs of up to 35 and forage for food together. They communicate with each other similar to sign language, in that they use postures and gestures to display their intentions. They are also known to bark at humans (similar in sound to a dog).


The largest cat of the Americas is a sight to behold. It is an extremely powerful animal with a high level of speed, agility, and bite, and a swift and efficient hunter of prey on the floors of the Amazon jungle. Identified by its rosette markings and distinct yellowish fur, it can grow over 6 ft in length, and the heaviest that has been recorded weigh-in at a massive 158 kg. If you’re lucky enough like I was, you may even spot fresh jaguar paw prints as you trek through the Amazon but be warned: this is one animal you don’t want to encounter on your own.


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