
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Authentic people with real connections to the land, wait in the heights of the Andes, while the world recovers. From their mystique and ancestral wisdom, they observe us. They tell us that we must always be in contact with nature. They give us hope and we listen to them. The world doesn’t change, it’s simply renewed. We will be physically distanced, but connected by energy.

There were once 30,000 kilometers of Inca roads and trails. Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire and the point where the roads converged, demonstrating the capital’s supremacy as the “navel of the world.” These roads connected people for centuries and made it possible for the empire to grow. 

At Valencia Travel, we follow in this same spirit of building metaphorical roads that can connect people. It is very important to us as a company that these Andean interconnections are not lost. Rather, that they spread to the furthest reaches of our global community of travelers.

During the confinement, we reconnect with the porters and their families, who make each trip on the Inca Trail possible in order to provide help and understand their current needs.

Reciprocity guides our steps, but what our Andean communities offer us is incalculable. We understand that it is only the beginning and we must continue to carry out initiatives that benefit them and we can think of a sunny morning together.

From the navel of the world.


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